Environmental & Nutritional Medicine
Nutritional & Environmental Medicine
Nutritional and environmental medicine explores how our nutrition and environment affect our biochemistry and physiology.
Our nutrition and environment may have an impact on symptoms and how disease manifests itself.
Some examples of environmental factors that can impact health are:
Organophosphates, present in some pesticides that is a neurotoxin
Bisphenol A (BPA) that has been linked by research to fertility and other issues
Petrochemicals, Solvents
Organic chlorines as in dioxins, Dieldrin DDT
Formaldehyde, which is a pungent and colourless gas which can be present in new carpets and furniture
Heavy metals like Mercury, lead, aluminium etc
Nutritional deficiencies can be a result of diet (fast foods, limited diet, sugars) or triggered by an imbalance in your physiology. These deficiencies can wreak havoc on your body – from gut issues to mental health problems.
For example, a diet of sugars and fast-food has been found to be associated with increased incidences of mental health (especially anxiety and depression). This is because 95% of your Serotonin, the neurotransmitter that helps regulate your sleep, appetite, and moods, is produced by the gastro-intestinal system.
So, if your gut is not functioning properly, perhaps due to an imbalance of microflora which is impacted by diet, your brain is not functioning at the optimal level.
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These feedback loops are important to understand and identify when treating health problems. Identification and elimination of environmental toxins is very important for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by these toxins.
As are nutritional deficiencies important to understand their impact on your health. Our aim is to correct the underlying causes by detoxifying the toxins as well as providing health balance and symptomatic relief.
Nutrition can be used to offset environmental toxins, or correct imbalances in your body.
Office screening and functional pathology tests may be required to identify the health imbalances, toxins, heavy metals, molds, and other.
Once the imbalances have been identified a program is being put into place to correct the nutritional anomalies with healthy balance diet, lifestyle adjustments and certified high-quality supplements. Optimisation of the digestive system and other systems will also be considered