Jun 26, 2015 | SIHCM Blog
Did you ever walk into a room and forget what you went in to get? Some examples of Memory Loss is when you run into someone you haven’t seen lately and can’t recall their name? Misplace your glasses or your house keys? You never know when you will be embarrassed,...
Jun 23, 2015 | SIHCM Blog
Besides ageing, lack of nutrients and dehydration are incriminated. Reverse Wrinkles – as you age, your skin loses the ability to produce the nutrients that protect it from the damaging effects of things like the sun’s UV rays, pollution and free radicals. It...
Dec 23, 2013 | SIHCM Blog
Want to reverse signs of wrinkles and pigmentation Reverse signs of wrinkles and pigmentation through Fraxel Laser treatments. This treatment has become popular in recent years and promises to smooth skin tone, soften scars and frown lines, face lifting and vastly...